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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Louisiana Math Standards - 4th GradeMathScore aligns to the Louisiana Math Standards for 4th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number and Number Relations1. Read and write place value in word, standard, and expanded form through 1,000,000 (Place Value )2. Read, write, compare, and order whole numbers using place value concepts, standard notation, and models through 1,000,000 (Number Comparison , Order Numbers ) 3. Illustrate with manipulatives when a number is divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 10 (Requires outside materials ) 4. Know all basic facts for multiplication and division through 12 x 12 and 144 ÷ 12, and recognize factors of composite numbers less than 50 (Fast Multiplication , Fast Multiplication Reverse , Multiplication Facts Strategies , Fast Division , Factoring ) 5. Read, write, and relate decimals through hundredths and connect them with corresponding decimal fractions (Decimal Place Value , Fractions to Decimals ) 6. Model, read, write, compare, order, and represent fractions with denominators through twelfths using region and set models (Fraction Comparison , Basic Fraction Comparison , Fraction Pictures ) 7. Give decimal equivalents of halves, fourths, and tenths 8. Use common equivalent reference points for percents (i.e., ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 whole) 9. Estimate fractional amounts through twelfths, using pictures, models, and diagrams 10. Solve multiplication and division number sentences including interpreting remainders (Missing Factor ) 11. Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, 2-digit by 2-digit numbers, and divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, with and without remainders (Multiplication By One Digit , Long Multiplication , Long Division By One Digit , Division with Remainders ) 12. Count money, determine change, and solve simple word problems involving money amounts using decimal notation (Making Change , Making Change 2 , Counting Money ) 13. Determine when and how to estimate, and when and how to use mental math, calculators, or paper/pencil strategies to solve multiplication and division problems (Many topics align to this standard) 14. Solve real-life problems, including those in which some information is not given Algebra15. Write number sentences or formulas containing a variable to represent real-life problems (Algebraic Sentences )16. Write a related story problem for a given algebraic sentence 17. Use manipulatives to represent the distributive property of multiplication over addition to explain multiplying numbers (Basic Distributive Property ) 18. Identify and create true/false and open/closed number sentences (Missing Operator , Compare Expressions ) 19. Solve one-step equations with whole number solutions (Missing Factor , Missing Term ) Measurement20. Measure length to the nearest quarter-inch and mm21. Describe the concept of volume, and measure volume using cubic in. and cubic cm and capacity using fl. oz. and ml 22. Select and use the appropriate standard units of measure, abbreviations, and tools to measure length and perimeter (i.e., in., cm, ft., yd., mile, m, km), area (i.e., square inch, square foot, square centimeter), capacity (i.e., fl. oz., cup, pt., qt., gal., l, ml), weight/mass (i.e., oz., lb., g, kg, ton), and volume (i.e., cubic cm, cubic in.) 23. Set up, solve, and interpret elapsed time problems (Time Intervals ) 24. Recognize the attributes to be measured in a real-life situation 25. Use estimates and measurements to calculate perimeter and area of rectangular objects (including squares) in U.S. (including square feet) and metric units 26. Estimate the area of an irregular shape drawn on a unit grid 27. Use unit conversions within the same system to solve real-life problems (e.g., 60 sec. = 1 min., 12 objects = 1 dozen, 12 in. = 1 ft., 100 cm = 1 m, 1 pt. = 2 cups) Geometry28. Identify the top, bottom, or side view of a given 3-dimensional object29. Identify, describe the properties of, and draw circles and polygons (triangle, quadrilateral, parallelogram, trapezoid, rectangle, square, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, and decagon) (Quadrilateral Types , Polygon Names ) 30. Make and test predictions regarding transformations (i.e., slides, flips, and turns) of plane geometric shapes 31. Identify, manipulate, and predict the results of rotations of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees on a given figure 32. Draw, identify, and classify angles that are acute, right, and obtuse 33. Specify locations of points in the first quadrant of coordinate systems and describe paths on maps Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete Math34. Summarize information and relationships revealed by patterns or trends in a graph, and use the information to make predictions35. Find and interpret the meaning of mean, mode, and median of a small set of numbers (using concrete objects) when the answer is a whole number (Mean, Median, Mode ) 36. Analyze, describe, interpret, and construct various types of charts and graphs using appropriate titles, axis labels, scales, and legends (Tally and Pictographs , Bar Graphs , Line Graphs ) 37. Determine which type of graph best represents a given set of discrete data 38. Solve problems involving simple deductive reasoning 39. Use lists, tables, and tree diagrams to generate and record all possible combinations for 2 sets of 3 or fewer objects (e.g., combinations of pants and shirts, days and games) and for given experiments 40. Determine the total number of possible outcomes for a given experiment using lists, tables, and tree diagrams (e.g., spinning a spinner, tossing 2 coins) 41. Apply appropriate probabilistic reasoning in real-life contexts using games and other activities (e.g., examining fair and unfair situations) Patterns, Relations, and Functions42. Find and describe patterns resulting from operations involving even and odd numbers (such as even + even = even) (Odd or Even Theory )43. Identify missing elements in a number pattern (Patterns: Numbers ) 44. Represent the relationship in an input-output situation using a simple equation, graph, table, or word description (Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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